Housing and Urban Affairs Minister Manohar Lal today said the NDA government has taken several initiatives to build infrastructure in the past ten years and provide housing for all. Replying to the discussion on the Working of the Housing and Urban Affairs Ministry in Rajya Sabha, the Minister said if the Delhi government had worked on the Drainage Master Plan, the city would not have faced such hardship during the recent rains. He said the Delhi government and agencies should work towards finding solutions to these problems.
Earlier, participating in the debate, NCP’s Fauzia Khan said urban areas particularly Tier II cities continue to grapple with issues such as shortages in housing, increasing encroachments, expanding slums, and degradation of the environment. She claimed that the common citizens living in cities are in anguish and despair.
Haris Beeran of IUML said urban flooding is an issue that needs to be addressed. He said that by 2050, at least 30 Indian cities will face water scarcity according to various studies, and India’s urban population growth is expected to increase in these cities.