In Odisha, the electioneering is heating up for the upcoming phases of Lok Sabha and Assembly elections. Union Home Minister and senior BJP leader Amit Shah and senior Congress leader Rahul Gandhi are scheduled to address a number of poll rallies and roadshows in support of their respective party candidates in the state today. Mr Shah will hold a roadshow at Cuttack this evening after addressing public meetings at Sorada under the Aska Lok Sabha seat and Boudh under Kandhamal parliamentary constituency, while Rahul Gandhi will join a bike rally and address an election rally at Bolangir.
Aska and Kandhamal parliamentary constituencies and 14 assembly segments coming under their purview will go for vote in the fifth phase on 20th of this month, while Cuttack parliamentary seat and seven assembly seats coming under it will go to the polls on 25th of this month in the sixth phase. Odisha is going for simultaneous Lok Sabha and Assembly polls this time.