Union Home Minister and senior BJP leader Amit Shah urged the party workers to reach out to the voters and educate them about the Viksit Bharat agenda. In his address to the Shakti pramukhs of five Lok Sabha constituencies in Bengaluru on Tuesday, he said BJP promotes Viksit Bharat and INDIA alliance promotes corruption. He pointed out that in 2014 Karnataka gave 43 percent votes and 17 seats to BJP. In 2019 BJP received 51 percent votes and 25 seats and he called on the party workers to ensure that the BJP-JD(S) coalition wins all the 28 seats in this election. He asked the party workers to tell the public about the 10 years of UPA rule that allegedly committed corruption to the tune of 12 lakh crore rupees and 10 years of NDA rule which helped the economy climb to the fifth place and lifted 25 crore people above poverty.
News On AIR | April 2, 2024 6:46 PM