Home Minister Amit Shah chaired a review meeting on the implementation of three new criminal laws in the presence of Haryana Chief Minister Nayab Singh Saini in New Delhi on Tuesday. The meeting reviewed the implementation and current status of various new provisions related to police, prisons, courts, prosecution and forensics in Haryana. Union Home Secretary, Principal Secretary to the Chief Minister of Haryana, Chief Secretary and Director General of Police of Haryana, Director Generals of the Bureau of Police Research and Development, Director General of the National Crime Record Bureau and senior officials of Union Home Ministry and the State Government were present in the meeting.
During the discussions, the Union Home Minister said that under the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, three new criminal laws are becoming the protectors of civil rights and the basis of ‘ease of justice’. The Home Minister asked Haryana to ensure 100 percent implementation of new criminal laws in the state by 31st March next year.
While emphasizing on the use of technology, Mr Amit Shah said that more than one forensic mobile van should be available in every district of the state. He emphasized that the responsibility of monitoring Zero FIRs should be of a Deputy Superintendent of Police rank officer, and their translation into other languages should be ensured according to the states. The Home Minister said that the Director General of Police of the state should sensitize all the police personnel that providing timely justice is their priority.