The joy of Holi is visible across Uttar Pradesh from Braj mandal to Ayodhya Dham. Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath attended the Holika Dahan Shobhayatra organised by Holika Dahan Utsav Samiti in Gorakhpur on Sunday night. CM Yogi mentioned that festivals should be symbols of harmony, peace, and equality. AIR correspondent reports, Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath performed Prahlad’s aarti and showered flowers on his picture. He also played flowers holi with locals. Extending Holi wishes to the people of state, CM Yogi said that there should be no discrimination anywhere. Holi promotes the message of unity. He called upon the people to preserve the joy and enthusiasm of Holika Dahan and Holi by avoiding any actions that could spoil the festive spirit.
In Ayodhya, after the pran pratishtha ceremony of Shri Ram Janmbhoomi Mandir, this year devotees are celebrating Holi at grand level. Shri Ram Janmbhoomi Teerth Kshetra Trust has done special preparations to make this Holi unforgettable. During the Holi celebrations at Ayodhya’s Ram temple, gulal was applied to Lord Ram Lalla and special dishes like kachori, gujiya, puri, kheer etc were offered to the Ram Lalla.
In Braj region, Holi is celebrated with religious fervour. Different types of Holi including lathmaar Holi, phoolon ki Holi, laddu maar Holi is part of the month-long Holi celebration in Mathura-Vrindavan which starts from Vasant Panchami itself.