Union Home Minister Amit Shah has said that, in line with Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s Zero Tolerance Policy against terrorism, the government will achieve the goal of a terror-free Jammu and Kashmir at the earliest, and all resources will be made available for this. Chairing a high-level security meeting on Jammu and Kashmir in New Delhi today, Mr. Shah said the Modi government, with the joint efforts of all security forces, is committed to establishing complete dominance over terrorism in Jammu and Kashmir. He said that the unprecedented participation of the people of Jammu and Kashmir in the Assembly elections and Lok Sabha elections shows that they have full faith in the democracy of the country.
The Union Home Minister appreciated the efforts of the security agencies for a significant decline in terrorist incidents, infiltration, and recruitment of youth in terrorist organizations. He said, due to the sustained and coordinated efforts of the Modi government, the ecosystem of terrorism in Jammu and Kashmir has almost ended. Mr. Shah directed all security agencies to continue working in a coordinated manner to eliminate terrorism in Jammu and Kashmir. He emphasised the implementation of the Area Domination Plan and Zero Terror Plan in mission mode.