All four Lok Sabha seats and six legislative assembly constituencies in Himachal Pradesh will vote in the by-elections on the 1st of June, marking the final phase. The nomination process for these elections began on the 7th of May. Nominations can be filed until the 14th of May, with scrutiny of nominations on the 15th of May, and withdrawal of names by the 17th of May. Today, on the third day of filing nominations, 12 candidates submitted their forms. Congress candidate Vikramaditya Singh filed his nomination in the Mandi parliamentary constituency today, while Congress’ Anand Sharma filed his nomination papers in Dharamshala from the Kangra parliamentary constituency. Narayan Singh Dogra from the same parliamentary constituency filed his nomination as a candidate for the Himachal Pradesh Janata Party. Suresh Kumar filed his papers in the Shimla parliamentary constituency as a candidate for the National Devbhoomi Party. Hemraj filed his nomination papers as a BSP candidate from the Hamirpur parliamentary constituency. Ravi Thakur filed his nomination papers as the BJP candidate for the Lahaul-Spiti assembly constituency by-election.
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