In Haryana, three independent MLAs have withdrawn their support from the BJP government and extended it to the opposition Congress party. The independent MLAs Randhir Golan from Pundri, Dharampal Gonder from Nilokheri, and Sombir Singh Sangwan from Dadri had sent a letter to Haryana Governor Bandaru Dattatreya informing him about their decision. They announced their decision during a press conference in Rohtak yesterday evening. They said that they have withdrawn support in the interest of the farmers. Mr Golan said rising unemployment and inflation during the BJP’s tenure in Haryana were key factors in their decision to withdraw support.
Haryana Chief Minister Nayab Singh Saini said that some MLAs have ambitions that cannot be fulfilled. He said that people are aware of their ambitions. The Media Secretary of Haryana, CM Parveen Atrey, said the withdrawal of support by the independent MLAs would not impact the government as it still enjoys the support of 47 MLAs in the 90-member Assembly. He said that as far as the legal angle is concerned, the opposition could not bring the No Confidence Motion, as the last No Confidence Motion was moved during the March budget session, and the next No Confidence Motion could be moved after six months from bringing the last No Confidence Motion. Former Haryana chief minister and Congress leader Bhupinder Singh Hooda welcomed their support, saying it reflects the lack of trust in the current government and the growing support for Congress.