The Gujarat ATS has arrested four terrorists at Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel International Airport in Ahmedabad. According to the local authorities, all the arrested terrorists are residents of Sri Lanka and are associated with the Islamic State. They travelled from Sri Lanka to Ahmedabad via Chennai. The ATS is interrogating the terrorists to determine their purpose for arriving in Ahmedabad. It has also been revealed during the investigation that these terrorists were awaiting orders from their handlers in Pakistan to carry out their operations.
In an official release, Gujarat ATS informed that ATS had received information that four Sri Lankan nationals namely Mohammad Nusrat, Mohammad Nafran, Mohammad Faris and Mohammad Rasdin, who are active members of the banned terrorist organization “Islamic State” and IS ideologues, are to be committed terrorist act somewhere in India. The ATS team detained them from Ahmedabad airport.
During the investigation, the terrorists stated that they were active members of the banned terrorist organisation “Islamic State” IS and followers of Abu Bakar al-Baghdadi. Based on the evidence, Gujarat ATS has registered a case under UAPA against them.