Union Electronics and IT Minister Ashwini Vaishnaw has said that the Government is ready to make a law governing Artificial Intelligence (AI) if there is consensus in the House. Replying to supplementaries in the Lok Sabha today, Mr Vaishnaw said, a balance needs to be struck between freedom of expression and a legal framework on AI based on ethics. He said, the Modi government believes in the democratisation of technology and it has given technology in the hands of the poorest of the poor. The Minister said, a comprehensive India AI Mission has been started in the country. He said, it has seven pillars, creating AI compute facility, skill framework, start-ups financing, creating innovation centre, datasets platform and creating new applications. Mr Vaishnaw informed that 8.6 lakh people have enrolled in the AI Future Skills platform. He said, the platform has been created in collaboration with the industry imparting training which is useful to the sector.
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