Union Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman said the government has diversified the Kisan Credit Card (KCC) scheme by expanding it to fisheries, animal husbandry, and other sectors. Speaking at a Credit Outreach program in Darbhanga on Friday, she highlighted the government’s focus on women empowerment. The Minister said that the union budget has shifted from being women-centric to women-led and it will help the country become the world’s third-largest economy in the coming years. She also mentioned the Drone Didi projects, which provide training and skill upgradation opportunities to empower Self-Help Groups (SHGs). During the program, Ms Sitharaman disbursed loans worth approximately 1,388 crore rupees to over 49,000 beneficiaries across various schemes. Earlier in the day, she attended a review meeting of regional rural banks in Patna. On the final day of her Bihar visit, Ms Sitharaman will attend a second credit outreach program in Jhanjharpur, Madhubani district, tomorrow.
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