External Affairs Minister Dr S Jaishankar has said that the government has taken a serious note on reports of incidents of violence against Hindus in Bangladesh. In a written reply in the Lok Sabha today, the Minister said, homes and business establishments have been ransacked and there have been attacks on the temples and other places of worship across Bangladesh in August this year.
Dr. Jaishankar said, reports of attacks on temples and puja mandaps also came to light during the recent Puja festival in Bangladesh. He said, the government expressed serious concerns on the attack made on Puja Mandap in Taantibazar, Dhaka and theft at the Josheshwari Kali temple at Satkhira during Durga Puja this year. He said, the High Commission of India in Dhaka is continuously monitoring the situation related to the minorities in Bangladesh. He said, the primary responsibility for the protection of life and liberty of all citizens of Bangladesh, including the minorities rests with the Bangladesh government.