Tech giant Google today announced to bring its ‘AI Overviews’ feature to six new countries, including India. In India, the company is rolling out the ‘AI Overviews’ in English and Hindi and are also introducing popular country-first features that were well-received during its Search Labs experiment. The six new countries are India, United Kingdom, Japan, Indonesia, Mexico and Brazil, along with local language support in each country. Hema Budaraju, Senior Director, Product Management, Search, said as part of the testing, we have seen that Indian users listen to AI Overviews responses more often than other countries. People who are looking for help with complex topics are engaging more and keep coming back for AI Overviews. Google found that people prefer using Search with AI Overviews, and they find their search results more helpful. The company is also testing the addition of links to relevant web pages directly within the text of AI Overviews, making it even easier for people to click out and visit sites that interest them.
Site Admin | August 15, 2024 10:23 PM