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Fourth G20 Global Partnership for Financial Inclusion Meeting to be held from September 14 to 16 in Mumbai

The Fourth G20 Global Partnership for Financial Inclusion (GPFI) Meeting will be held in Mumbai from the 14th to the 16th of September, 2023. The meeting will bring together over 50 delegates from G20 member countries, special invitee countries and International Organisations.

The meeting will involve discussions on ongoing work of the financial inclusion agenda under G20 India Presidency in areas of Digital Financial Inclusion and SME Finance.

Ahead of the meeting, a Symposium on Digital Public Infrastructure for energizing MSMEs will be held on the 14th of September. This Symposium will delve into the role of DPI in fast-pacing financial inclusion of MSMEs.

Over the course of the next two days, the GPFI members will discuss GPFI work regarding implementation of G20 GPFI High Level Principles for Digital Financial Inclusion, Update of National Remittance Plans and SME best practices and innovative instruments to overcome common constraints in SME financing.

A Symposium on Advancing Financial Inclusion through Digital Public Infrastructure: Empowering Consumers through Digital and Financial Literacy and Consumer Protection will be held on the 16th of September as part of the GPFI Meeting.

The delegates attending the 4th GPFI WG meeting will also visit the Kanheri Caves in Mumbai.