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Fee of mediator in consumer complaints to be paid from Consumer Welfare Fund

The fee of the mediator in consumer complaints will be paid from the Consumer Welfare Fund. The parties do not need to pay the full fee of mediation for the resolution of their disputes. Consumer Affairs Ministry said that the Consumer Welfare Fund Guidelines have been amended, which include reimbursement of legal expenses incurred by a complainant, after its final adjudication. The fee for successful mediation in district commission is 3,000 rupees, while in State Commission it is five thousand rupees.  
The Consumer Protection Act, 2019 provides for the settlement of consumer disputes through Mediation for the speedy, hassle-free, and, inexpensive redressal of consumer complaints. Currently, there are 247 mediators empanelled in the State Commissions and 1,387 in the District Consumer Commissions all over the country.