The Enforcement Directorate (ED) carried out raids at various places in Punjab and Chandigarh today morning. As per reports, the ED teams raided Punjab’s senior IAS and Excise and Taxation Commissioner Varun Roojam’s residence in sector 20 Chandigarh. Besides it, the teams are also searching the residence of Rajesh Dhiman, the Deputy Commissioner of Firozpur district, who was earlier Commissioner of Mohali Municipal Corporation and an officer in Greater Mohali Area Development Authority (GMADA). The raids are said to be in connection with embezzlement in the Guava Tree Compensation Scam totalling 137 crore rupees at Mohali last year.
Moreover, Varun Roojam is also under ED’s radar for implementing Delhi Excise policy in Punjab after the AAP government formed in the state. Wives of both the IAS officers are accused in the embezzlement case registered by Punjab Vigilance Bureau. The searches are still on as per the reports.