Election Commission has taken massive strides in ensuring inclusivity and accessibility in the Lok Sabha Elections 2024 to ensure that no eligible voter is deprived of their right to vote on account of physical or other barriers. The Commission said that so far, after the conclusion of six phases of elections, immense enthusiasm was seen amongst voters of various sections such as Persons with Disabilities, Senior Citizens, Transgenders and Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Groups. It added that facility for voting from the comfort of home for senior citizens above 85 years of age and PwDs with 40 per cent benchmark disability was extended for the first time on pan India basis in this election.
Chief Election Commissioner, Rajiv Kumar said that the Commission is determined to make the elections truly reflective of the spirit of plurality and diversity that is the pride of our country. He said, ECI is dedicated to incorporating and deeply integrating the principles and practices of inclusivity and accessibility throughout the entire election process, setting an example before the society for replication everywhere.
The Commission added that the preparations started two years back with concerted efforts of updation and registration of eligible citizens in the electoral rolls. This was achieved by conducting special registration drives, camps, targeting these categories of voters. ECI has adopted a multipronged strategy to enhance participation amongst communities which are prone to be deprived of their right to vote.