External Affairs Minister Dr S Jaishankar has said that there have been no talks with Pakistan on the resumption of trade with India. He has clarified that it was Pakistan’s administration which decided in 2019 to discontinue trading with India. Speaking to the press in Washington DC yesterday, Dr Jaishankar reiterated India’s longstanding concern regarding the Most Favored Nation (MFN) status which India had extended to Pakistan but Pakistan did not reciprocate.
Highlighting the strong bond between India and the US, Dr Jaishankar emphasized that both nations share a very strong degree of trust and convergence. He also underlined that the two nations share a sense of global good and are committed to serving their national interests while building their bilateral partnership.
Dr Jaishankar also clarified India’s stand on legitimate return of undocumented Indians living abroad, including in the United States stating that the country is open for their return. He emphasized that India strongly supports legal mobility and wants skilled and talented Indians to have great opportunities at the global level. He firmly stated that India opposes illegal migration, adding that it is detrimental to reputation and leads to various illegal activities.
Terming the attack on the Indian consulate in San Francisco a serious matter, Dr Jaishankar asserted that it is an issue for which India expects accountability. He added that the country wants to see those responsible held accountable. On the situation in Bangladesh, the External Affairs Minister said he had a brief discussion on the current situation in Bangladesh with newly-appointed US Secretary of State Marco Rubio and National Security Advisor Mike Waltz.