The Centre said that a Digital Agriculture Mission has been approved by the Union Cabinet with an outlay of 2,817 crore rupees to collect information on crops, weather and water. In a written reply to a question in Lok Sabha, Union Agriculture and Farmers Welfare Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan said the Digital Public Infrastructure is being coordinated with the states to create a comprehensive geospatial system on vital agriculture information. Mr. Chouhan said during the 100 days of Modi 3.0 government several remarkable initiatives have been rolled out for farmers. He added that for promotion of start-ups and rural enterprises in the agri sector AgriSURE fund was launched as a SEBI Registered Category II with an outlay of 750 crore rupees. The Union Minister informed that around 8000 FPO (Farmer Producer Organisation) were onboarded on Open Network for Digital Commerce to enable them for e-commerce.
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