In a heartwarming celebration of culture and tradition, a group of 280 doctors in Dubai, known as the "Doctors in Sarees," marked the National Handloom Day with a unique and visually striking tribute. The video shows doctors gracefully donning vibrant handloom sarees from various parts of India.
National Handloom Day, observed annually on August 7th, aims to promote the rich heritage of handloom weaving in India and other countries. The Doctors in Sarees group decided to participate in this significant occasion to raise awareness about the timeless artistry of handloom sarees and pay homage to the skilled artisans who meticulously create these masterpieces.
The video, filled with elegance and charm, features the doctors flaunting a diverse collection of handloom sarees, each representing a different region's weaving techniques and patterns. With smiles on their faces, they express their deep appreciation for the art form, emphasizing the importance of preserving traditional crafts and supporting local weavers.
Dr. Punam Bijlani, representing the Doctors in Sarees group UAE, highlighted that weaving involves creativity, focus, patience, and concentration, qualities that resonate well with doctors. Handloom sarees symbolize patriotism, culture, and freedom, and it's crucial to preserve and promote this tradition. The message is clear: wear a handloom saree with pride, just like you salute the Tiranga.