AYUSH Minister Prataprao Jadhav has said that the Desh Ka Prakriti Parikshan Abhiyan brings Ayurveda closer to every household and empowers citizens to adopt personalized, preventive health practices. Talking to the media in New Delhi about the significant strides made under the initiative today, Mr. Jadhav expressed his satisfaction with the progress and emphasized the campaign’s role in promoting holistic well-being.
The Minister reaffirmed the government’s commitment to integrating traditional wisdom with modern health practices, making Ayurveda a cornerstone of preventive healthcare. The campaign is managed by the National Commission for the Indian System of Medicine. It focuses on identifying an individual’s unique mind-body constitution based on the Ayurvedic principles of Vata, Pitta, and Kapha doshas. The campaign is led by more than four lakh seventy thousand dedicated volunteers and aims to revolutionize healthcare awareness across India. Further, the Desh Ka Prakriti Parikshan Abhiyan also aims to set several Guinness World Records, including the largest online photo album of Prakriti certificates and the most pledges for a health campaign.