Deputy Chairman of the Rajya Sabha, Harivansh, has said that India is now leading from the front to deal with the challenges the world is facing. He said, the country has moved from being just a participant to a key stakeholder in all multilateral platforms. He was delivering the Dr. Rajendra Prasad Memorial Lecture 2024, organized by Akashvani in New Delhi today. The theme of the lecture was ‘Vaishvik Kshitij Par Bharat Ki Badhti Bhumika’. The Deputy Chairman said that walking in the ideals of leaders like Dr. Rajendra Prasad, India is known as a global leader across the world today and has also become the voice of Global South.
Deputy Chairman Harivansh also highlighted the contribution made by India’s first President and Bharat Ratna Dr. Rajendra Prasad in the development of the country. He mentioned the hurdles Mr. Prasad faced throughout his journey for the welfare of society. He also emphasized the need for generating awareness among the people about the contributions and life of Dr. Rajendra Prasad.
Prasar Bharati Chief Executive Officer, Gaurav Dwivedi, highlighted the role of Akashvani, saying that since its inception, Akashvani has become the voice of the nation. He said that on one hand, Akashvani has generated awareness among every generation by disseminating news, and on the other hand, it has presented interesting and quality programs to its crores of listeners. As a public broadcaster, its role is broader compared to any other medium of communication.
Director General Akashvani, Pragya Paliwal Gaur, was also present on the occasion.
The recording of the lecture will be broadcast across the entire network of Akashvani at 9.30 PM on 3rd of December on the occasion of the birth anniversary of Dr Rajendra Prasad.
Dr. Rajendra Prasad Memorial Leture is organized by Akashvani in the memory of the first President of India, Dr. Rajendra Prasad who was an epitome of simplicity, a renowned scholar, President of the Constituent Assembly and a great visionary who had India and Indianness uppermost in his mind. The lecture series in Dr. Rajendra Prasad’s memory has been an honoured tradition since 1969.