Delhi Traffic Police has issued a traffic advisory in view of the state funeral schedule of former Prime Minister Dr Manmohan Singh in New Delhi today. It said, traffic movements will be diverted on Raja Ram Kohli marg, Rajghat red light, Signature bridge and Yudhister Setu. Traffic movement will also be restricted on Ring Road, Nishad Raj Marg, Boulevard Road, Shyama Prashad Mukharjee Marg, Lothian road and Netaji Subhash marg from 7 AM to 3 PM. Delhi Police advised people to avoid restricted roads and use public transport.
Former Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh’s last rites will be performed at Nigham Bodh ghat in New Delhi. The dignitaries of many of foreign countries and other VIPs, VVIPs and general public will visit Nigham Bodh Ghat to pay tributes to the Former Prime Minister.