A Delhi court has dismissed an application moved by Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal seeking more time to meet his lawyers during his judicial custody. Special judge for CBI and ED cases Kaveri Baweja dismissed the application, saying there is no sufficient grounds to grant the relief. The ED had opposed Kejriwal’s application, saying special privileges cannot be extended to him merely because he wants to run the government from inside the jail.
Kejriwal’s counsel told the judge that multiple cases are pending against the Delhi Chief Minister and that one hour a week is not sufficient for a person to understand and give instructions. The ED opposed Kejriwal’s prayer for five meetings with his lawyers every week, saying it is was against the jail manual. The central probe agency told the court that Kejriwal is already allowed to have two meetings with his lawyers instead of one which is the general practice. The court had on April 1 sent Kejriwal to judicial custody till April 15 in the money laundering case linked to the excise policy scam.