Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal was released from Tihar Jail this evening after being granted interim bail by Supreme Court till 1st June in excise policy case. The apex court asked the AAP chief to surrender on 2nd June, a day after the polling for the seven-phased Lok Sabha elections is scheduled to end. Mr. Kejriwal had sought a release from jail to campaign for the ongoing Lok Sabha polls. The Supreme Court also pointed out the Enforcement Directorate’s delay in arresting him. A bench, comprising Justices Sanjiv Khanna and Dipankar Datta, said that the central probe agency had registered an Enforcement Case Information Report against Mr. Kejriwal in August 2022, but arrested him on 21st March, this year.
As per bail conditions, Mr. Kejriwal will not visit the Office of the Chief Minister and the Delh Secretariat. He will not sign official files unless it is required and necessary for obtaining clearance or approval of the Lieutenant Governor of Delhi. Mr. Kejriwal will not make any comment with regard to his role in the present case and he will not interact with any of the witnesses and have access to any official files connected with the case.