Delhi Police has registered 180 cases for violating the model code of conduct since the Delhi Assembly Elections were announced. Nearly 123 unlicensed arms and 92 cartridges have been seized. The police said drugs weighing over 59 kilograms, worth more than 12 crore rupees, and cash amounting to over one crore were seized during this period. It added that over seven thousand four hundred and fifty-four persons were arrested under provisions of preventive action and the Excise Act. The police said that to ensure free, fair, and peaceful elections in Delhi, it has taken several measures, including increased vigilance at inter-state border checkpoints and a crackdown on illegal activities, with special emphasis on curbing illegal arms and liquor smuggling. It is also ensuring effective and strict implementation of the Election Commission’s guidelines and is adopting a zero-tolerance approach towards any violation of the model code of conduct. On 7th January, the poll body announced that polling in Delhi would take place on the 5th of February, and counting would be done on the 8th of the next month.
Site Admin | January 15, 2025 5:54 PM