The BJP National President JP Nadda said that the dedication and commitment of the BJP workers paved the path for the third term of the Modi Government. Mr Nadda was speaking, after inaugurating the closing ceremony of the expanded executive meeting of the state BJP in Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala. He stated that according to IMF report India’s growth is about 6.8 percent which is far more than the other developed nations. This is the clear evidence of the sustainable development that is happening in the country.
He congratulated the people of Kerala and the State party workers for BJP opening its account in the recent Loksabha election. Mr Nadda said that BJP will secure more seats in the upcoming local Body elections and also in assembly elections in Kerala like in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana. He also felicitated the Union Minister of State George Kurian in the function.
This is the first visit of Mr Nadda to Kerala following the Lok Sabha elections. Recent Lok Sabha elections saw the BJP not only open its seat tally in Kerala but also significantly increase its vote share. The BJP achieved a milestone with actor-politician Suresh Gopi winning the Thrissur Lok Sabha seat by over 72,000 votes. This victory marks the party’s first-ever Lok Sabha seat win in Kerala.
BJP State President K Surendran, national secretary Anil Antony, senior leaders O Rajagopal, Kummanam Rajasekharan, P K Krishnadas, Shobha Surendran etc participated in the meeting. Around 2500 party members were also part of the meeting.