Youth Affairs and Sports Minister Dr. Mansukh Mandaviya has announced the extension of the deadline for the ongoing Viksit Bharat Quiz Challenge till the 10th of this month. In a social media post, Dr Mandaviya said, the extension has been taken in view of the enthusiasm and participation of the youth in the ‘Viksit Bharat Young Leaders Dialogue’ under the National Youth Festival 2025. The Minister urged the youth to participate in the quiz.
The Viksit Bharat Quiz Challenge is open to all individuals aged between 15 and 29. It is a four-stage competition, which invites young people to participate and contribute ideas for Viksit Bharat. The winning participants will present their vision and ideas to Prime Minister Narendra Modi at the Viksit Bharat Young Leaders Dialogue on 11 and 12th January next year in New Delhi. The quiz can be accessed on the My Bharat Platform.