A Delhi court sent the owner of the Baby Care New Born Hospital, where seven children were recently killed in a massive fire, and a co-accused, to 14-day judicial custody.
Hospital owner Dr Naveen Khichi was arrested in the wake of the tragedy at the private hospital, along with an employee who was on duty at that time. The employee was also sent to judicial custody for the same period. Naveen Khichi, meanwhile, has moved a bail plea which will come up for hearing on 3rd June.
Police probe into the hospital fire case has revealed that the licence issued to the hospital by the Delhi Government Health Services (DGHS) had expired on 31st March. The probe also revealed that the doctors at the hospitals were not qualified to treat newborn babies, who needed neonatal intensive care, as these doctors were only BAMS degree holders.
The police said that in the hospital, there were 12 newborn babies admitted and one was already dead before the fire incident. All the babies were rescued from the hospital with the help of other people and shifted to East Delhi Advance NICU Hospital for treatment.
Delhi Fire Services chief Atul Garg said that seven children were declared dead at the hospital while five newly born babies are undergoing treatment.