In Punjab, at least eight districts are facing flood situation since past few days but now the cotton belt of state is facing attack of Pink Bollworm in cotton fields. The state government has cancelled leave of agriculture department officials in some district producing cotton after this attack. The state government had directed officials to send a status report to the headquarters daily after visiting the fields. Any negligence or laxity in duty will invite strict action as this is a high time to stand by the farmers to save the cotton crop.
A Report
Malwa belt of Punjab is known as white gold belt as Sri Muktsar Sahib, Bathinda, Fazilka and Mansa districts of this belt produce best quality of cotton in the world. This belt is presently facing pink bollworm attack on cotton crop. Next 15 days are very crucial for the cotton crop therefore to help the farmers state government has deployed four senior officers in this belt. The holidays for the officers and other staff of agriculture department posted in these four districts have also been cancelled till end of this month. These officers will visit the field to inspect the cotton crop and guide the farmers to prevent this pest attack.