Senior Congress leader Rahul Gandhi on Thursday (6th June 2024) demanded a Joint Parliamentary Committee (JPC) investigation into the stock market crash of 4th of June. Addressing media at party headquarters in New Delhi, Mr Gandhi said the retail investors have lost 30 lakh crore rupees due to the market crash. The Congress leader sought to know why Prime Minister and Home Minister gave specific investment advice to the five crore families investing in the stock market.
Meanwhile, BJP refuted the claims made by Congress. Briefing media in New Delhi, senior BJP leader Piyush Goyal alleged that Rahul Gandhi is trying to deceive market investors. Mr. Goyal claimed that people have gained even during the election results day. He further added that foreigners have incurred losses while Indian investors have benefited. He said that when the UPA government was in power 10 years ago, India’s market capital at that time was 67 lakh crore rupees and today the market capital has increased to 415 lakh crore rupees.