Congress has fielded its UP unit chief Ajay Rai against Prime Minister Narendra Modi from Varanasi Lok Sabha seat. Senior Congress leader Digvijaya Singh will contest from Rajgarh Lok Sabha seat in Madhya Pradesh. The party released another list of 45 candidates for the ensuing Lok Sabha polls yesterday. MP Danish Ali will be the Congress candidate from Amroha seat in UP, while Karti Chidambaram will fight from Sivaganga seat and Manickam Tagore from Virudhnagar Parliamentary constituency in Tamil Nadu. The Congress has left Rajasthan’s Nagaur Lok Sabha seat for Hanuman Beniwal’s Rashtriya Loktantrik Party. Congress has also released the first list of 18 candidates for the upcoming Sikkim Assembly poles.
News On AIR | March 24, 2024 10:39 AM