The commissioning of the EVM and VVPATs machines for the upcoming Lok Sabha Election 2024 has commenced in all districts from today in Manipur. Speaking on the occasion of the launching of Signature Campaign on Electoral Participation in Imphal, the Chief Electoral Officer of Manipur- Pradeep Kumar Jha said that 64 engineers from Electronics Corporation of India Limited have arrived Manipur and they have been allocated across all districts of the State for commissioning of EVM and VVPATs machines from today.
He said that all seven observers appointed by the Election Commission of India have already arrived in the State and they are overseeing the preparation of the Lok Sabha Election 2024. Enforcement agencies have been placing all measures including opening of mobile checking and drive to avoid unfair means during the election process.
Shri Jha said that 118 Model Polling Stations will be set up across the State. There will be a total of 806 women managed Polling Stations and four Polling Stations will be exclusively managed by Polling Personnel belonging to the PwD category.