Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal said today that the national capital is facing a water shortage due to higher demand for water in the hot summer days. He has urged the neighbouring BJP-ruled states Haryana and Uttar Pradesh to cooperate in fulfilling the water requirement of Delhi in this crisis.
In a social media post, Mr Kejriwal said, this time the entire country is experiencing unprecedented heat leading to reduced water and electricity supply across the country. He said if BJP asks its governments in Haryana and UP to provide water to Delhi for a month, it would provide great relief to the people and would be highly appreciated. Mr Kejriwal also said that BJP’s protests against AAP on the issue of water shortage would not solve this crisis.
Meanwhile, the BJP today held a protest march in front of Delhi Secretariat over the water crisis in the national capital. BJP candidate from New Delhi Lok Sabha seat, Bansuri Swaraj alleged that the AAP government had created an artificial water crisis. She said that Delhi Jal Board was in the profit of 600 crore rupees in 2013 and currently, it is in the loss of 73 thousand crore rupees.