In Chhattisgarh, voting has started at 7 am in three Lok Sabha constituencies under the second phase of Lok Sabha elections. Akashvani Raipur Correspondent reports that out of 11 Lok Sabha constituencies in Chhattisgarh, today voting is being held under the second phase in 3 Lok Sabha seats – Rajnandgaon Mahasamund and Kanker. It has been more than an hour since polling started. Long queues of voters are being seen outside the polling booths in urban as well as in rural areas. These Lok Sabha constituencies are partly affected by the problem of Left Wing Extremism. More than six thousand five hundred polling booths have been set up for today’s polling. Of these, twenty-three polling booths have been identified as vulnerable and four hundred and fifty-eight polling booths have been identified as critical. In sensitive areas, voting will continue till 3 pm. Whereas, in other areas, voters will be able to cast their votes till 6 pm. There are about 53 lakh voters in these three Lok Sabha constituencies, The number of women voters is more than men.
Under the second phase, the fate of 41 candidates including former Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel, former State Home Minister Tamradhwaj Sahu, and MP Santosh Pandey will be sealed in EVMs today. To ensure peaceful voting, tight security arrangements have been made in sensitive areas.