In Chhattisgarh, Seven Maoists have been killed in an encounter in Bastar division today. The bodies have been recovered from the spot. Senior Police officials have confirmed the incident. According to Police, the encounter took place on the border of the Narayanpur and Dantewada districts. After receiving intelligence inputs about the presence of Maoists in the forest of Abujhmad, a joint team of security forces set out on a search operation.
During the operation, the Maoists ambushed the security personnel in the forest of Abujhmad and opened indiscriminate firing on the jawans. Security forces retaliated against the fire. In the gun battle, seven Maoists were killed. Security forces claimed that several other Maoists were injured in the encounter. A huge quantity of weapons and other materials from Maoists have been recovered from the incident site.