The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) has been interrogating the former principal of RG Kar Medical College and Hospital, Sandip Ghosh at CGO Complex in Kolkata. The agency is also interrogating the present Medical Superintendent and Vice-Principal of the hospital Bulbul Mukhopadhyay.
On the other hand, doctors organized a protest rally in Kalkata today. BJP also held protest against the rape and murder case and demanding resignation of Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee and Kolkata Police Commissioner Vinit Kumar Goyal. Congress also protested the incident, demanding justice for the victim. The groups of lawyers and sport persons also held protest march.
Earlier in the day, former Deputy Medical Superintendent of R G Kar Medical College Akhtar Ali had appealed to the Calcutta High Court for the initiation of Enforcement Directorate investigation into the financial fraud and mismanagement in the hospital against the former Principal of the hospital, Sandip Ghosh. The court has granted permission.
Meanwhile, the division bench of Calcutta High court headed by Chief Justice T S Sivagnanam granted permission for court litigation into the financial mismanagement and corruption at R G Kar Hospital based on an appeal by a lawyer.