The Central Bureau of Investigation, CBI has arrested seven persons including the Executive Secretary of the CMD of public sector undertaking Bridge and Roof Company India Limited in an alleged 20 lakh rupees bribery case involving the award of tender for Eklavya Model Residential School in Odisha to a Gujarat-based private firm. The CBI arrested Executive Secretary Ashish Razdan and owner of private company Hetal Kumar Pravinchandra Rajyaguru and conducted searches in Kolkata, Delhi, Noida, Mumbai, Nagpur, and Rajkot recovering 19 lakh 96 thousand rupees of the bribe money and another 26 lakh 60 thousand rupees in cash. Five more persons were also arrested during the operation.
During investigation, it was found that the bribe was allegedly meant for the Executive Secretary to CMD, Bridge and Roof Company India Limited who is a Public Servant. A case was registered by the top investigation agency against the Proprietor of a private company, other private persons, Unknown Public Servants of Bridge & Roof Company (India) Ltd and Other Unknown Private Persons. It was alleged that a conspiracy was laid amongst the said accused for getting the tender of Eklavya Model Residential School, Odisha awarded to the private company in lieu of illegal gratification to an unknown public servant of Bridge & Roof Company(India) Ltd, Kolkata. It was further alleged that a person, a resident of Kolkata, was demanding bribe on behalf of unknown officers of Bridge & Roof Company (India) Ltd., Kolkata, from the said Proprietor directly as well as through another person for extending undue favour for awarding the said tender to the private company. It was also alleged that the Proprietor assured to send 20 lakh rupees to said person for unknown public servant of the PSU.
A trap was laid and after the delivery of the bribe amount to the said person at Kolkata through alleged Hawala Channel. CBI Officials said, the Proprietor was produced before the Competent Court at Ahmedabad and was remanded to police custody till 21st of this month.