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July 29, 2023 4:25 PM

United States unveils a Taiwan weapons aid package worth 345 million US Dollars

On Friday, the United States unveiled a Taiwan weapons aid package worth 345 million US Dollars. While the Biden administration declines to publicise any details, this will likely anger China which sees Taiwan as its territory and has increased military pressure on the island over the past three yea...

July 29, 2023 10:48 AM

Holy Ashura being observed in Bangladesh with due religious solemnity

The holy Ashura, commemorating the martyrdom of Hazrat Imam Hossain Ibn Ali, a grandson of Prophet Hazrat Muhammad, is being observed today across Bangladesh with due religious solemnity. On this day in the Hijri year of 61, Hazrat Imam, along with his family members and 72 followers embraced the...

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