The campaign for the Lok Sabha elections has intensified in Uttar Pradesh. Senior leaders of various political parties are holding public meetings and rallies in support of their respective candidates. BSP chief Mayawati today addressed election rallies in Moradabad and Bisalpur of Pilibhit. She said that instead of issuing election manifesto, BSP believes in working in the interest of the public. The BSP chief alleged that Bharatiya Janata Party is a party of capitalists. Targeting the Samajwadi Party, she said that it is working to divide the state in the name of religion and caste. During this, she appealed to the people to vote in favor of BSP.
On the other hand, Samajwadi Party’s National President Akhilesh Yadav said in the election rally in Muzaffarnagar today that in the first phase in Western Uttar Pradesh, it will wipe out the BJP in UP, because all sections are troubled during the BJP rule. He alleged that the youth are not getting employment. He said that BJP is now talking about guarantee, their guarantee will prove unsuccessful. Mr Yadav said that the central government in one stroke stopped army recruitment for four years. Akhilesh Yadav also targeted BJP regarding ‘dial police number’. The SP President said that the Agni Veer system will be abolished if the Samajwadi Party and INDIA alliance form the government at the Centre.