The Border Security Force (BSF) Punjab Frontier is organizing the 4th edition of the ‘Bordermen Marathon-2025’ from February 23. This annual marathon would start from Golden Gate, Amritsar to Attari Border. It has three categories, a Full Marathon of 42 km, a Half Marathon of 21 km and a 10 km run. The marathon is themed as “Hand In Hand with Border Population.” This mega event is being organised by the BSF to inspire the youth of Punjab towards physical fitness and raise awareness about the dangers of drug abuse.
The event invites runners from across the nation to celebrate endurance, unity, and patriotism. Registration for the same has already started. Registration is free for all female participants in the 42 km and 21 km races and for the people from the bordering districts of Pathankot, Gurdaspur, Amritsar, Tarantaran, Firozpur and Fazilka.
The winner will be awarded ₹1 Lakh 50 thousand for the full marathon, ₹75,000 for the half marathon and ₹50,000 for the 10 km run.