Union Home Minister Amit Shah has said that the BJP will bring a Uniform Civil Code (UCC) in every state under its rule as the party did in Uttarakhand. Concluding the discussion in the Rajya Sabha on the 75 years of adoption of the Constitution, Mr Shah launched a scathing attack on the Congress for failing to implement the UCC across the country. The Home Minister accused the Congress of appeasement politics and asked the party to clarify why there should not be a common law for every religion in a secular nation.
Mr Shah also lashed out at Congress over its allegations concerning Electronic Voting Machines (EVM), saying some of those who made complaints about the results in Maharashtra celebrated it in Jharkhand, where the JMM-led INDIA bloc won the Assembly elections. He said, the Election Commission of India had asked people to check if it was possible to hack the EVMs, but nobody turned up. Home Minister said the Supreme Court rejected the petitions on EVMs 24 times. The debate on 75 years of the Constitution started in Rajya Sabha on Monday and lasted two days. Lok Sabha held the debate last week.