Political war has intensified in Delhi ahead of assembly polls as BJP has put out posters targeting the Aam Aadmi Party government. The posters displayed outside the Delhi BJP office accused AAP of corruption and misgovernance in the city. The BJP also slammed the ruling party in Delhi on the issues of air pollution, alleged poor health facilities, water problem and other matters. BJP spokesperson Gaurav Bhatia attacked the AAP after the National Human Right Commission directed social media platform X to remove a post by AAP convener Arvind Kejriwal and Chief Minister Atishi which featured children participating in political campaigns. In a letter to the Election Commission, NHRC member Priyank Kanoongo expressed concerns over the involvement of children in political campaigns saying such an act violates poll guidelines. Briefing media in New Delhi, Mr. Gaurav Bhatia alleged that the AAP leaders are using the children for their politics.
The BJP leader also questioned the AAP over the announcement of Pujaris and Granthis Yojana, which will be launched today.
On the other hand, the Aam Aadmi Party government is making back to back announcements ahead of the elections. AAP leader Sanjy Singh accused the BJP of being against the Pujaris and Granthis. He alleged that the BJP only opposes welfare schemes announced by the Delhi government as it has questioned the Mahila Samman Yojana, free travel for women in buses, free electricity and water earlier.
Congress is also continuously raising fingers on the issue of governance of AAP in Delhi. Briefing the media in New Delhi, senior party leader Sandeep Dikshit hit out at the AAP over its promise of cleaning the river Yamuna. He demanded that the Comptroller and Auditor General of India’s report on the schemes of the city government should be put in the Delhi assembly. He alleged that Mr. Kejriwal has done nothing concrete for the people of Delhi.
Mr. Dikshit also said he will file a criminal and civil defamation case against CM Atishi and AAP leader Sanjay Singh over their allegation that he is taking a huge amount of money from the BJP.