BJP today took a dig at Congress following a media report that former party President Sonia Gandhi had taken away donated papers of the first Prime Minister of India Jawaharlal Nehru from the Prime Ministers’ Museum & Library ( PMML) in 2008. A member of the PMML Society and Historian Rizwan Kadri has written to senior Congress leader Rahul Gandhi recently seeking the return of the papers. Talking to media outside Parliament, BJP spokesperson Sambit Patra said it has come to the fore that 51 cartons of letters that were written by Nehru ji to Edwina Mountbatten, Jayaprakash Narayan and several others were taken away by Sonia Gandhi when she was the UPA Chairperson. He added that when it was decided in 2010 that all documents would be digitised, why were 51 cartons of letters hastefully taken away by Sonia Gandhi?
Meanwhile, Congress has hit back at BJP saying the ruling party is trying to divert the attention from the issue related to the bribery charges against a prominent business group. Party MP Imran Masood told the media outside Parliament that it is a political agenda to divert the issue.
Mr Patra also raised the issue during Question Hour in the Lok Sabha. Responding to it, Union Culture Minister Gajendra Singh Shekhawat said, the suggestion of the Member has nothing to do with the concerned question. The Minister said he has written down the suggestion and appropriate action can be taken.