BJP today released its second list of nine candidates for the ensuing assembly polls in Sikkim. Pema Wangzal Rinizing is the party candidate from Gangtok and Aruna Munger will contest from the Namchi-Singhithang seat.
BJP also announced 14 candidates for assembly by-polls in Gujarat, Himachal Pradesh, Karnataka, and West Bengal.
In Gujarat, Chatursinh Chavda has been fielded from Vijapur and Arjun Modhvadiya from Porbandar.
In Himachal Pradesh Ravi Thakur has been fielded from Lahaul and Spiti while Rajinder Rana will contest from Sujanpur.
In Karnataka, Narasimhanayak (Rajugouda) will be the party candidate in Shorapur.
In West Bengal, Bhaskar Sarkar is the candidate from Bhagawangola and Sajal Ghosh from Baranagar.