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September 29, 2024 10:10 AM


BJP president JP Nadda asks Party leaders to visit each and every Shakti Kendra in Telangana

BJP president and Union Minister JP Nadda has set a broad action plan for the party leaders and elected representatives in Telangana, aiming at strengthening the party network in every nook and cranny of the country. Addressing party MPs, MLAs, and senior leaders as part of the party’s membership drive in Hyderabad last evening, Mr. Nadda asked them to visit each and every Shakti Kendra and mandal in the state for the next 15 days to ensure that the party reaches the targeted membership. State general secretary Dr. K Venkateshwarlu and official spokesperson NV Subhash informed that the Party President urged all elected leaders to work hard and ensure that they retain the seat, while the candidates who lost should set a target to reach the highest membership to boost their winning prospects in the next Assembly elections.