BJP President Jagat Prakash Nadda has appointed the party’s state Incharge and Co-incharge for 24 States and UTs. Mr Vinod Tawde, the party’s General Secretary appointed as Incharge of Bihar with party MP Deepak Prakash as Co-inchargeas Co-incharge. BJP has named Dr. Satish Poonia as In-charge and MP Surendra Singh Nagar as Co-incharge of Haryana.
Party MP Laxmikant Bajpai has been made Incharge of Jharkhand, MLA Nitin Nabin as Incharge of Chhattisgarh, while MLC Dr. Mahendra Singh has been appointed as In-charge of Madhya Pradesh and Satish Upadhyay as its Co-incharge. Besides, BJP General Secretary Tarun Chugh has been appointed In-charge of Ladakh and Jammu and Kashmir, while Ashish Sood will be the Incharge of Goa and Srikant Sharma has been appointed as Incharge of Himachal Pradesh, with Vijaypal Singh Tomar as Incharge of Odisha. BJP MP Sambit Patra has been made Coordinator of North East States.