BJP MP Pratap Sarangi was today injured in the Parliament House Complex amid protest and counter protest by the ruling BJP and Opposition members. Talking to media, Mr. Sarangi alleged that Leader of Opposition in the Lok Sabha, Rahul Gandhi pushed an MP, who fell on him after which he got injured. He added that he was standing near the stairs when Mr. Gandhi came. Parliamentary Affairs Minister Kiren Rijiju condemned the incident. He alleged that Congress MPs led by Mr. Gandhi assaulted the BJP MP. He objected to the conduct of the senior Congress leader using physical power.
Meanwhile, Mr. Gandhi has said, when he was trying to go inside Parliament, BJP MPs were trying to stop him. He also alleged that he was pushed and threatened by them. He observed that this was the entrance gate and they have the right to go inside the House. Congress MP Shashi Tharoor told media that the ruling party MPs obstructing the entrance of Parliament violated the instructions issued by the Lok Sabha Speaker. He added no member should be allowed to block the entrance.