BJP today came down heavily on Congress leader Rahul Gandhi over his attack on the government for alleged irregularities in the NEET examination. Briefing media in New Delhi, party spokesperson Sudhanshu Trivedi alleged that Mr. Gandhi is playing politics over the issue and he has nothing to do with the future of lakhs of students. He said the government is fully alert and sensitive over the NEET examination issue and it will not allow any injustice to the students. He added that strict action will be taken against those responsible.
Another party leader Shehzad Poonawalla alleged that it was Ashok Gehlot led the Congress government in Rajasthan which was the mother of paper leak in the country and Mr. Gandhi did not utter a single word during that period. He said, that during the previous UPA rule, the incident of paper leaks used to happen every year.
Earlier, briefing media in New Delhi, Mr. Gandhi demanded strict action against those responsible for alleged irregularities in the NEET examination. He alleged that it was a national crisis and the government was silent over the issue. He added that during his Bharat Jodo Nyay Yatra, he had received several complaints about paper leaks.