BJP has asked senior Congress leader Sonia Gandhi to return the letters of the country’s first Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru to the Prime Ministers’ Museum and Library. The party said that the historical documents belonged to the country. Briefing media in New Delhi, party spokesperson Sambit Patra referred to reports of meetings of the Prime Ministers’ Museum and Library on the issue and said that 51 cartons of Nehru’s correspondences were given to Sonia Gandhi after approval of the museum’s then-director.
He said the letters included Nehru’s correspondences with Edwina Mountbatten, wife of the last British viceroy and eminent leaders Jayaprakash Narayan and Jagjivan Ram. Mr Patra said Rizwan Kadri who is one of the members of the society had recently written to the Leader of Opposition in the Lok Sabha Rahul Gandhi seeking his help in restoring the papers to the museum’s custody. He said Mr Kadri has not received any reply from Mr Gandhi. Mr Patra asked what were the contents of the letter that the Nehru-Gandhi family felt should not be made public.